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Center for Health & Healing

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Melinea M. Holman, DC
8359 Beacon Blvd. #409
Ft. Myers, FL 33907

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Body Talk   |   Bio Scanning   |   Pre-Screening & Analysis   |  Neurotransmitter Testing  |  Nutritional  Therapy  |  Chiropractic


CHIROPRACTIC - Dr. Melinea Holman, DC

Proper alignment of the spine gives proper nerve signals to the organs, endocrine and parts of the body which enhances communication and proper healing within the body. Chiropractic adjustments are a form of energy bodywork. Every single part of the spine correlates to an organ, endocrine or part of the body and when that spinal segment is out of alignment, it usually indicates that an imbalance in one of these areas. Thus this is why people have chronic back problems because they are not correcting the underlying issues.

Holistic chiropractors are licensed by both the state and the country to provide safe, drug-free, natural, non-invasive therapy for the effectual treatment of numerous disorders which can occur within the body. A holistic chiropractor’s approach to healing the body, besides spinal adjustments, will often include treatments which involve diet, exercise, nutrition, and other important lifestyle changes such as asking the patient to quit smoking. Their practice is based on the fact that all functions of the body are completed based on signals that are created by the brain and travel down the spinal cord to all of the various organs and cells of the body.

A disease or disorder is usually the result of interferences in these signals which prevents the messages from being delivered. Holistic chiropractors use the education, knowledge, diagnostic skills, laboratory skills, and their educated judgment to evaluate the state of the patient’s current neurological health in order to develop treatment that is appropriate and conservative. A holistic chiropractor will use methods of chiropractic care, such as spinal manipulation, that are safe and non-surgical in order to treat the ailments that the patient is facing which are usually the result of problems within their skeletal system. If necessary, they will enlist the assistance of other healthcare professionals. The cost of treating back pain alone is a 50 billion dollar a year industry.

Going to a holistic chiropractor can help you save hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars due to the fact that chiropractic care is non-invasive and doesn’t require surgery. Another huge advantage of going to see a chiropractor is the fact that they do not require you to use drugs. In fact, they will encourage you to improve your health by getting more exercise, eating better, and improving your health naturally.

Click here to make an appointment with Dr. Melinea Holman or call 239-278-5355.


Body Talk   |   Bio Scanning   |   Pre-Screening & Analysis   |  Neurotransmitter Testing  |  Nutritional  Therapy  |  Chiropractic